1-on the run 在逃,逃跑
Among those on the run, there was a young scholar named Isaac Newton.
2-calculus 微积分
3-unravel 解开,揭示
4-solitude 独居
Suitably distant, it was where, in near total solitude , he would invent calculus, create the science of motion, unravel gravity, and more.
5-tout 兜售,吹嘘
Now, with the spread of the coronavirus imposing its new isolation, Newton's miracle year is being touted as a model.
6-specious 似是而非的,看似真实的
7-unleash 释放
But what's specious is the idea that Newton unleashed his mind on these problems once the plague had given him the gift of solitude.
8-shelter in place 就地避难
9-emulate 仿效,模仿
10-against that history 在这样的历史情况下
Against that history, telling yourself as you shelter in place that now is the time to emulate Newton's ambition is not so helpful.
11-stoke 激起,鼓动
Not because he is an impossible standard but because the real reason is to remember whatever aspect of your life that fired your passion before this mess-and to keep stoking it now.