1-nature 天性
2-nurture 培育
In the nature-nurture war, nature wins.
3-adoptee 被收养者
During the past four decades, scientists have conducted long-term studies on special relatives like twins and adoptees to test the effects of nature and nurture.
4-a mountain of 大量,大堆
This research has built a mountain of evidence showing that genetics contributes importantly to all psychological differences between us.
5-account for (数量或比列上)占
In fact, inherited DNA differences account for about 50 percent of the differences between us, in our personality, mental health and illness, and cognitive abilities and disabilities.
6-conception 受孕,怀孕
7-psychological individuality 心理个性
The DNA differences inherited from our parents at the moment of conception are the consistent, lifelong source of psychological individuality, the blueprint that makes us who we are.
8-bump 颠簸,碰撞
But after environmental bumps we bounce back to our genetic trajectory.