1-intake 摄入
2-neurotic 神经质的, 心神不定的
3-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 多动症
The theory that sugar intake could lead to what was then called " the neurotic child " was first proposed in the medical literature in 1922 and later and later gained popularity during the 1970s, when researchers were first trying to understand and treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
4-clinician 临床医生
5-puzzle 迷一样的人或事
When it comes to A.D.H.D symptoms, clinicians must consider every peace of the puzzle.
6-debunk 曝光,揭露……的真相
Meanwhile, the sugar high concept was decisively debunked by a double-blind, controlled study published in the New England Journal of medicine in 1994.
7-square 适配
But how to square this scientific reality with parents' how of how sugar affects their children.
8-digestive tract 消化道
That's because table sugar is a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly in our digestive tract, to reach our bloodstream.
9-tantrum 发脾气,使性子
But that quick burst doesn't translate into hyperactivity or tantrums.
10-dip 浸,伸入
11-spike 峰值
When sugar is consumed by itself, the initial energy spike can be followed by a crash as the amount of glucose in our bloodstream dips down again a little while after eating.