June.14.2020( make up )
1-civil code 民法典
China has a civil code now. What does that mean?
2-be slated to 计划,安排
The document-a collection of laws related to civil affairs, including property, marriage, family, personal rights, and inheritance-is related to go into effect in January of next year.
3-stipulation 规定,约定
4-annulment 宣告无效
5-standout 杰出的
One standout stipulation: If a person conceals a " serious disease " before marriage, their spouse is within their rights to seek an annulment.
6-institute 建立,规定
7-deter 威慑住,阻止
The civil code institutes controversial 30-day cool-off periods aimed at deterring impulsive divorces.
8-minor 未成年人
9-perpetrator 犯罪者,行凶者
One is a stipulation that victims who were sexually abused when they were minors will be legally allowed to sue the perpetrators when they turn 18.
10-statute of limitations 法定时效
11-elapse 过去,流逝
12-come forward 主动提供,自告奋勇
13-loophole 漏洞
This would effectively close a loophole whereby abusers would escape punishment because the statute of limitations had elapsed by the time their victims came forward.
14-tenant 租户
Tenants and Homeowners 租客和业主
15-landlord 业主
16-evict 驱逐,驱赶
Landlords may no longer evict their tenants midway through a lease just because they want to sell the property.
17-good samaritans 做好事者
18-high-profile 备受关注的
Over the past decade, there have been numerous high-profile incidents of good samaritans rushing to the aid of people who suffer injuries-especially the elderly-only to later be blamed for causing them harm.