Narnia 7 Chapter 11
1、Shift finally gets what he deserved. What is it?
Before the danger was coming,Trian hurled him into the darkness,then rushed into the stable.
2、What does Farsight the Eagle say about it, when he sees the look on Rishda Tarkaan’s face? Which group of beasts joins Tirian’s side unanimously?
And from what Farsight saw there he knew at once that Rishda was just as surprised, and nearly frightened, as everyone else. "There goes one," thought Farsight, "who has called on gods he does not believe in. How will it be with him if they have really come?"
Every single Talking Dog joins Tirian’s side unanimously.
3、In this chapter the Dwarfs commit an unbelievably evil act. What is it? When he sees Jill weeping, what does Tirian say to her?
When the Horses came chaiging up the hill,the Dwarfs shot them down ,the Dwarfs was treacherous,they said they were for themselves.
“If you must weep, sweetheart turn your face aside and see you wet not your bow-string. ”