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#英语帮帮团学习打卡# 第四周 作业 国容

国容 国容 2016-09-25 11:27 阅读(1489)

Are You Ignoring That Little Thought你正在忽视那些小想法吗

What happened/ to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you ignore it /because you thought that it was just a little thought ?你曾有过那些有才气的想法都发生了什么?你是否因为那只是一个小小的想法而忽略过它吗?

Have you ever considered /what that little thought would have become/ if you had acted on your instincts /or if you had paid more attention to it ?你曾深思熟虑过那些小想法如果你出于本能实践它或者是用更多的注意力关注它吗?

Imagine a scenario ,/where you are sitting at home/ watching television or reading a book , suddenly /a light bulb is turned on in the dark tunnel of your mind /as a thought or an idea crosses your mind . The thought /catches your attention /but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to discard it , but wait a minute !想象一个情节,你正坐在家里看电视,或者读书,作为一个想法或主意突然在你的心里的黑暗地方打开一道亮光。这个想法吸引了你的注意力,但看上去毫无意义,而且你正引起你想抛弃它的时候,先等一下。

That thought could be the potential beginning of the success you have so much yearned for. As the thought crosses your mind.  Your senses become alert /and you suddenly see a possibility , a realization , a solution , a conclusion , or find the answer to a problem /whose solution has long eluded you .这个想法可能是你很渴望成功的潜在开始,当想法经过你的心里时,你的感觉一下警惕起来,你突然看到了一种可能性,一个领悟力,一个解决方案,一个结论,或者是找到了一个问题的答案,而它正是困扰你很久的解决方法。

It is almost as if a divine being has whispered/ the perfect solution into your ear /or awakened your senses to a reality /thereby bringing illumination to your life . It is like/ finding the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.好像当一个牧师在你耳边低声说一个更完美的解决方案或者唤醒你真实的感觉,因此给你的生命带来启发。这就像找到了拼图玩具的最后一块。

This /becomes an AHA moment /and everything freezes around you /as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that little /but powerful thought .这就是一个立刻醒悟的时刻,你周围的一切都凝固了,而你正兴奋地抓住了那个小却有力的想法的实用性。

Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase/ as you become conscious of the great possibilities that can arise/ if that little thought is acted upon . This /becomes the moment/ to build upon that thought /and to write down any ideas that are streaming from that little thought/ for later review ..当你意识到巨大的可能性会升高的时候,你的自信和热情增加了。如果那个小想法立即采取行动,建立于那些想法写下任何从那些小想法分类出来的主意为后来的回顾。

Seemingly meaningless little thought or ideas /when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects 那些看起来无意义的小想法或主意一旦有实现的可能,就会被推入到大的计划中。

Many successful projects have been born/ from the little positive thoughts /that were carefully nurtured and recognized /as tickets to great things .很多成功的项目都是在那些有可能性的小想法中诞生的,那些经过认真培育和验证的想法都会成为伟大的事物。

You may have heard people say many times that/ it just came to me in a flash moment , a small idea or seemingly meaningless thought /may cross your mind /about something you have been planning to accomplish .你也许听人们说过很多次,一个闪光的时刻,一个小主意或者看起来无意义的想法都会穿过我的心,而你正计划完成。

Don't waste an opportunity to act on a potentially brilliant idea . You don't have to wait for a major idea , a master strategy , or approval from your peers/ in order for you to act on that little thought .不要浪费去实现潜在的杰出的想法,为了你那些有用的小想法你不用等一个重要的主意,一个主要的策略或是你的同等人的认可。

That little thought or idea /is the beginning of great things /if you decide /to follow it through .


brilliant idea灿烂的,有才气的                         discard抛弃                                          alert 警惕,警戒

ignore忽视,忽略                                                potential潜能,可能性的                  yearn渴望,向往

considered经过深思熟虑的                                possibilities可能性                            elude逃避,躲避

instinct本能,直觉                                               jigsaw puzzle拼图玩具,七巧板      streaming流,流动

scenario 方案,情节,剧本                                self-confidence自信心                      enthusiasm 热情,热忱

bulb 灯泡                                                             grasp抓住                                        practicality 实用性实际性

tunnel坑洞,隧道                                                increase增加                               review 回顾,复习

meaningless无意义的                                         illumination启发,照明             thereby 因此,从而

tempt诱惑,引起,冒…的风险                           nurture培养,培育                     recognized公认的,认识

realization实现,领悟                                        solution 解决方案                        conclusion 结论,结局

accomplish完成(任务)                                   opportunity 机会,时机           strategy战略,策略

 approval允许,批准,赞成                               in  order for 为了






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