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#英语帮帮团学习打卡,第五周 小作业

国容 国容 2016-10-02 08:25 阅读(5214)






Accent: Good or Bad?

Accent: Good or Bad?

原创 2016-08-25 Grabtalk Grabtalk

Tap here to read the Chinese version of this article.

Previously, we talked about the difficulties for Chinese to learn English. As a matter of fact, the most difficult part for Chinese is oral English. How to improve your oral English? Let's take about the accent first in this article. 

The accent is actually an international phenomenon. This Italian guy speaking English is quite amusing. 

The diversity of Chinese dialects makes this problem even worse.

Here are some characteristics of several dialects in China.
  • Beijing people used to add "er" after many nouns.

  • Fujian folks often pronounce "h" where they should pronounce "f". "I come from Hujian Province."

  • People from Hunan is just opposite to that in Fujian. "I come from Funan Province."

  • In general, people from South China cannot differentiate "n" and "l" in Chinese. As such, they have difficulty to pronounce "n" and "l" in English. If you are from south part of China, try the words in following picture out. 

Tough, huh? Then consider it a good exercise before going to bed. 

This guy from northeast China demonstrated the typical northeast accent.

When talking about accent, we assume that you speak Mandarin well. Such that we can start from the same point. We will talk about the English accent of people who have reached a high level of Mandarin from now on.
There are three reasons causing the accent.   
The ways of vocalizationChinese uses the front oral cavity to vocalize while English uses the back oral cavity.
The language structure
  • The intonations 

Every Chinese character has its own intonations and each intonation has certain meaning. But in English, the intonations are based on the sentences. Like-I am fine.

-I am fine?

  • The rhythms

The syllable-timed rhythm is used in Chinese while stress-timed rhythm is used in English.
The English education system in China Reciting words and sentences is preliminary in Chinese English education system. This behavior has overwhelming influence on people when they speak in English by themselves. However, native English speakers group the words by meanings. 

This analysis has shed a light on how to improve the accent. You can try the follows.

  • Learn to speak standard Mandarin

  • Practise to use the back oral cavity to vocalize English

  • Group words by their meanings and be fluency like flowing

  • Don't be shy and speak out

  • Accuracy is important; slow down if needed

Actually, accent is not bad. Accent is your identity telling where you are from as long as your English is understandable. The clip about the Italian story is certainly not the case. This Chinese Harvard student gave a speech with typical Chinese accent at his Ph.D. commencement. But he clearly presented his story which impressed all the audience. For the sake of being understandable, fluency and accuracy is way more important than accent. We will talk about how to express yourself accurately and speak fluently in the future.

Have you ever come across anything interesting about accent? Welcome to share your own experience and opinions with Grabtalk friends!




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