The beauty of what we'll never know
The speaker is living in Japan for 28 years.
He was in Burma on one hot October morning. He met one man who was living by showing tourist around by his trishaw. He had a degree in mathematics but different to be a teacher under a military dictatorship. They talked a lot and found they had so much in common. Then he invited the speaker to his home.
Mandalay (曼德勒)capital of Burma
Burma (缅甸) / Myanmar
bicycle rickshaw (人力车)
outrageous (过分的,骇人的)
clamber: (艰难的爬上,攀登)
trishaw (脚踏三轮车)
pagoda (塔,宝塔,佛塔)
military dictatorship (军事独裁统治)
bump down (颠簸而行)
alleyway: 小巷,背街,窄街
shack: (棚屋,窝棚)
This local man shows him letters he had ever received from visitors from abroad. When they said goodbye that night, he realised that guy had shown him the secret point of travel, which is to take a plunge
snapshot: (快照,印象)
plunge: (投入,跳入,使投入)
go inwardly
ambiguity (模棱两可,含糊不清)
insofar: (到这种程度,在这个范围内)
exhilarating new ideas (令人振奋的,令人兴奋的,令人高兴的)
ignorance is bliss (bliss: 幸福,极乐,天赐的福)
reassurance: 再保证,再安慰
"The Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman has spent more than 60 years now researching human behavior, and his conclusion is that we are always much more confident of what we think we know than we should be. We have, as he memorably puts it, an "unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance."
intimacy: (亲密)
fretful: 烦躁的,焦躁的
illusion of knowledge (错觉,幻觉,错误的信仰)
treacherous: (背叛的,不可靠的)
transformation: 转型,转化,改造
@小牛儿 我先写1/3 晚上回来在继续 现在要出门