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TS   TS 2017-03-09 01:08 阅读(1664)

Why do we think that stories by men are deemed to be of universal importance, and stories by women are thought to be merely about women?

deem: 认为,视作

The speakers grandmother left school when she was 12, and she had 14 children. Her mother left school when she was 15, and she was a secretary. She graduated from university to become a theatre director. And those progress were made by whom fought for women to have rights, get the vote, get education. 

She started a festival called WOW, women of the world cross five continents in 20 countries. Last year she traveled to Somaliland in Africa and wen to The Laas Geel caves which contain some of the oldest cave paintings in the world. There was one picture she thought was a little girl and asked the curator of the caves. And the answer from him was :” women didn’t paint these pictures”. Then she asked:” it was 11000 years ago, how do you know?” 

curator: 管理者

masculine: 男性的,阳性的,男子气概的。

She was really surprised, because that’s an attitude that divine knowledge comes down throughout the masculine. 

She has two children. She took them to see “E.T”. It’s a fantastic story of this little alien who ends up in an American family, but he wants to go home. But some really bad scientists want to do some experiments on him. Children decided to take him back to his spaceship by bike and plop him in a bicycle basket. Anyway, it was long fighting process and magically, the bikes fly up in the air.  Then she looked at her children. Boy is enraptured, he’s there with them. But the girl was crying, and she wants to save E.T as well. All of a sudden, she realised that they were boys. Just like she wrote to Steven Spielberg: “ I don’t know if you understand the psychological importance of what’s happened and are you prepared to pay for the therapy bills?"

enrapture: 使狂喜

However, Spielberg somehow didn’t include the idea of girls difference in this thinking. He thought he was writing a story about all humanity, but the girl didn’t think that way. 

They are writing from male experience through male’s eyes. So many of these stories were written through a male perspective. But the females need the rights for this, the place of creativity. 

For instance “Hamlet”, it is a great story but it is a story about male conflict, male dilemma, male struggle. If the author were a women, the story would be different. As the writer Margaret Atwood says: “When a man writes about doing the dishes, it’s realism. When a woman writes about doing it, it’s an unfortunate genetic disposition."

There were so many saying there against women writers or painters. That is not fair. Women should have same rights, a gender-euqal world. It has to be done by everyone, women and men. 






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