前两篇是 《茨威格文集 第2卷》里面的
里昂大屠杀故事发生在1793年法国大革命时期的里昂。里昂在1793年选择支持La Gironde派, 对抗法国皇室,因此里昂在雅各宾专政时期曾被包围两个月之久。他们大肆破坏,建筑工程停滞,房屋受到破坏。里昂到处都被关押着犯人。除了几座监狱,学校,地窖,修道院都成了监狱。这期间有超过二千人被处死。
本书描绘的是一群关在地窖里的犯人的故事。晚上新来了一批犯人,突然新来的犯人中一个少女呼喊一个男人的名字并且向他跑去。这两个年青人紧紧相拥。他们是青梅竹马的未婚夫妻,并且他们婚配的日子是和鲜血横流的日子是同一天。之前因为未婚夫去做任务, 她从文书那打听到消息说未婚夫被抓了起来判处死刑。
The book was first published in the original German in 1942, the year of his death, that the Second World War was still going on. He never knew the end of the story. He and his second wife committed suicide together in February 1942.
Zweig was born in 1881 in the great and mighty empire of the Habsburg Monarchy. He grew up in Vienna, an international metropolis for 2000 years. He had to steal away from it like a thief in the night before Vienna was demoted to the status of a provincial German town.
His works, in the language in which he wrote it, had been burnt to ashes in the country where his books made millions of readers their friends.
14. Science had worked all these miracles. Social welfare was also proceeding apace. From year to year more rights were granted to the individual, the judiciary laid down the law in a milder and more humane manner. The right to vote was granted to circle flung wider and wider. Sociologists and professors competed to make the lives of the proletariat healthier and even happier.
His father's family came from Moravia the Jewish communities. In the second half of the century came the industrial boom in Austrian. His father became a businessman. His father became a millionaire later on.
His mother came from an international family. She was born in Italy speaking both Italian and German. Her family had owned bank all over the world at an early date on the model of the great Jewish banking families. Her father went to Italy. Other relatives went to Vienna, Paris, St Gallen, New York etc. They were all bankers, company directors, professors, lawyers and medical doctors. Everyone spoke several languages.
Most Jewish classified or refined people. It is generally assumed that getting rich is a Jew's true and typical aim in life. However, most Jew would rather marry his daughter to an indigent intellectual than a merchant. So Jewish will try to give at least one son the chance of studying at university, and this would be an honor to the entire family.