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喜乐lhh 喜乐lhh 2017-08-04 15:22 阅读(1193)

When the Bakers showed up for dinner appointment, the Loski had different attitudes towards the Bakers.


Bryce’s granddad greeted the Bakers like they were long-lost family and even distinguished Matt from Mike whom Bryce always mixed up. He talked with Juli and her father happily.


Bryce’s mom was busy preparing all food and tried to create friendly atmosphere among everyone at the dinner table. She thought the Baker was a delightful family and their children were charming.


Bryce’s sister seemed to be a good friend of Matt & Mike. She seemed like their music very much and believed them.


Bryce’s dad vs Juli’s dad

Once Bryce thought his dad was right about everything and that there wasn’t a man on earth he couldn’t take. However, comparing with Mr. Baker, Mr. Loski looked small and should be squashed by Mr. Baker like a bug. Bryce felt that the way his dad was acting was just disgusting.


Bryce’s dad vs Matt & Mike

At his young age Mr. Loski was playing guitar. When his band planed to get a demo made, they only found that the cost was so expensive and gave up.

Matt & Mike managed to find out the way to have their demo made. They made their dream come true.

Mr. Loski accused Matt & Mike of drug dealers as he thought only by this way could they afford the demo. Bryce’s sister told him that the boys neither use nor deal the drugs.

Juli before dinner vs after dinner

Before dinner Juli was so mad at Bryce because she overheard Bryce & Garrett making fun of her uncle in the library. She refused to speak to Bryce.

Before Juli was going to leave the Loski after dinner, Juli apologized to Bryce as she thought Bryce’s mum was really nice for inviting her family to dinner.

Beautiful sentences I like:

1.      When I was little, I'd always thought that my dad was right about everything and that there wasn't a man on earth he couldn't take.

2.      Then she was gone. Out the door and into the night, part of a chorus of happy good-byes. I tried to catch my breath.

3.      There was something spinning wickedly out of control inside this house. It was like seeing inside the Bakers' world had opened up windows into our own, and the view was not a pretty one.


4.      Like all of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home ... and every time I turned around, another person I'd known forever felt like a stranger to me. Even I felt like a stranger to me.






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