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《Beyond Feelings》-8月读书笔记

塔兰   塔兰 2017-08-25 22:47 阅读(1427)

In  whole  July , I  was  looking  for this book. Eventually  I  got  it  because  a best friend.  In  August ,  all  my attention is on  reading  this  book.  And now, I made an end with it !  

Next, I  am  going to share  my opinions with you ~

It is no exaggeration to say that critical thinking is one of the most important subjects you will study in college regardless of your academic major. The quality of your schoolwork, your efforts in your career, your contributions to community life, your conduct of personal affairs—all will depend on your ability to solve problems and make decisions. 

Suppose someone asked:  “Who are you?” \ What Is Truth?  How Good Are Your Opinions? 

You must  be confused, because you are limited  for  time, places  and culture.

Not only are you a member of a particular species, Homo sapiens, but you also exist at a particular time in the history of that species and in a particular place on the planet. That time and place are defined by 

specific circumstances, understandings, beliefs, and customs, all of which limit your experience and influence your thought patterns. 

If you had lived in America in colonial times, you likely would have had no objec- tion to the practice of barring women from serving on a jury, entering into a legal contract, owning property, or voting. 

If you had lived in the nineteenth century, you would have had no objection to young children being denied an education and being hired out by their parents to work sixteen hours a day, nor would you have given any thought to the spe- cial needs of adolescence.  

What effects does mass culture have on us?  

Ads often portray play as more fulfill- ing than work, self-gratification as more desirable than self-control, and materialism as more meaningful than idealism.

Television programmers use frequent scene shifts and sensory appeals such as car crashes, violence, and sexual encounters to keep au- dience interest from diminishing.  

To sum up, living in a different age or culture would make you a dif- ferent person. Even if you rebelled against the values of your time and place, they still would represent the context of your life—in other words, they still would influence your responses. 

what do you think are Good  Opinions?

The social and psychological theories of our time also have an impact on our thinking ways,


Making self-actualization (or happiness) the direct object of our pur- suit !


One of the best ways to develop your thinking (and writing) skills is to record your observations, questions, and ideas in a journal and then, as time permits, to reflect on what you have recorded—considering the meaning and application of the observations, answering the questions, elaborating on the ideas (and, where appropriate, challenging them), and recording your insights. 

An inexpensive bound notebook or spiral notebook will serve the purpose. A good approach is to record your initial observations, questions, and ideas on the left side of the page, leaving the right side blank for your later analysis and commentary. The value of this reflective process is so great that you should consider keeping such a journal even if your instructor does not make it a formal part of the course. 






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