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chapter 6:eggs

方知   方知 2017-10-15 22:19 阅读(1537)


One night when I was about six years old, Dad came home from work with a full- grown dog tied down in the back of his truck. Someone had hit it in the middle of an intersection, and Dad had stopped to see how badly it was hurt. Then he noticed that the poor thing was skinny as a rail and didn't have any tags. So Dad took it home.

“There is no room for that animal in this house.” And she thought Champ has odor.

2)Juli很担心自己的fifth-grade science fair,老师给了她一个什么topic

Then our teacher, Mrs. Brubeck, took me aside and told me about a friend of hers who had chickens, and how she could get me a fertilized egg for my project.

3)Juli是怎样完成她的science fair的?她都做了什么

She read the book <The Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens>

Dad helped her to make an incubator, and he got themometers and hygrometer.

Teacher gave her six chicken eggs.

Father tought her how to judge if these eggs are alive, and she checked the rest of eggs.They are all alive.

For the next two weeks I was completely consumed with the growing of chicks. I labeled the eggs A, B, C, D, E, and F, but before long they had names, too: Abby, Bonnie, Clyde, Dexter, Eunice, and Florence. Every day I weighed them, candled them, and turned them. I even thought it might be good for them to hear some clucking, so for a while I did that, too, but clucking is tiring! It was much easier to hum around my quiet little flock, so I did that, instead. Soon I was humming without even thinking about it, because when I was around my eggs, I was happy.

I read The Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens cover to cover twice. For my project I drew diagrams of the various stages of an embryo's development, I made a giant chicken poster, I graphed the daily fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and I made a line chart documenting the weight loss of each egg. On the outside eggs were boring, but I knew what was happening on the inside!


As it turns out, my hens laid more eggs than we could eat. Mrs. Helms and Mrs. Stueby were paying her for the extra eggs. She thought Mrs. Loski deserved some free eggs.

Through the rest of sixth grade, through all of seventh grade and most of eighth, I delivered eggs to the Loskis. The very best, shiniest eggs went straight to the Loskis, and in return I got a few moments alone with the world's most dazzling eyes.

Bryce take the eggs like trash, and he drop all of them. He think her backyard is covered in turds.






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