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紫恋子   紫恋子 2017-11-04 14:39 阅读(8448)

曾经和 @TS 聊过,真觉得我们第一期主题阅读选的非常好, 如何有效阅读?构建自己的知识框架。这为我们平时的任何阅读以及后面即将进行的各类主题阅读都打下了坚实的基础。

主题阅读的核心不是阅读,而是主题。通过阅读不同的书籍,去完成自己的目标问题,构成自己的一个主题框架。 在短时间内大量阅读相关内容,可以有效加深记忆,多角度、更全面地理解同一主题思想。也就是说带着问题去阅读,形成自己的阅读体系。



第一: 确定读书目标。












据说当你准备做一件事,若72小时内不行动的话,那这件事基本上就会不了了之!及时输出读书笔记也是这样,当你决定去做了,就立刻动笔,写下第一个字以后,就会才思泉涌!输出使书变成自身血肉。以前我觉得看书很容易,但是写笔记好难呀,之前让我一个月写一篇笔记都觉得很难,但是现在每个星期写一篇我都觉得很好实现。其实我觉得这个跟我自己的思维转换有关系吧。我曾经在读书会分享过我觉得写笔记的好处。一来为了让自己看过的书留下印象,将来某天你想看或有用的时候,不用重新看书,翻阅笔记便能一清二楚!二来至少没有辜负自己看这本书付出的时间。三来可以或多或少的练练文笔,爱读书的人应该都喜欢写字,周国平说:写作从来不是为了拯救世界,只是为了安顿自己。 今年我就是以这种心态和想法强迫自己做读书笔记的,今年截止到现在为止,我看了56本书,写了56篇读书笔记,每本读过的书都有写笔记,包括这次主题阅读的5本书,我也单独写了读书笔记!我会给自己设置最后期限,比如本周读完的书,我要求自己至少在下周末之前必须完成笔记。也正是有了这样督促的迫切感,我往往等不到那个时候就提前完成了!



Tonight, i'd like to share a presentation with you together.This is our first phase themes reading which are talking about how to read effectitvely to build up your own knowledge system.

OK,here we go!

Themes reading is mainly about reading similar books in a short time to solve the problem, like the first phase is about reading, the problem is that how to read effectitvely to build up your own knowledge system.

I choosed 5 books from the confirmed book list which fixed by the members in themes reading group. These 5 books' authors are occassionly from 5 different countries to define the reading importances and how to read correctly. Seems 5 different books but all of them are talking about reading matters.

I recaped a summary like below after finished the 5 books.

when even unsucessful in reading.

Defining reading goals.

The meaning and significance of reading is deepening thought and subliming mind.  the key important is how to choose books? Naturally most of us love to choose the books what we are interested in, this is the first step. But it is necessary try to select some what you don't think arractive ones. This is something like what we always mentioned step over our comfort zone, perhaps you will get new funs and unexpected gains. Next,please try to read more biographies which will bring us much more positive powers.After defining these books, dont change your ideas easily once the book list is closed. In this case, our reading plan won,t be disorganized. If find something which we,re pretty interested during reading process, we can mark it and add into next round book list.

 Then let,s see the ways to choose books, all kinds of reading apps, like weichat and qq readers, forums like xiaota, offical accounts like Shudan laile, libary offical accounts which always recommand book lists to us.This is first part i shared.


Secondly,making reading plans.

we need to estimate how long it will cost when book list is closed. Yearly reading plan is crucial as reading goal. We have to combine our indivial reading speed and spare to make this plan, it,s not good for us if egxggeate the reading quantity. Otherwise it will knock down our positivity.  It,s better to subdivide the yearly to monthly and weekly plans, it,s much easier to finish small plans step by step than facing a whole huge chanllege. The next step should be check our plans timely see whether we are out of schedules? if yes, we need to adjust plans to make sure finish it smoothly.

The third part is speaking about how to read correctly?  the most important is active reading. Active reading means while reading while coming up with questions, it,s a basic ability to be a good reader. 

Then Maugham told us it,s a good way to learn an author,s life when you cant understand a book well.

Finally, if possible, let,s learn to skip and scan a book fastly as not every book is worthy to read word by word carefully.

Well, the last part i d.like to say is about outputing   reading reports. It,s a time consuming job but quite worthy. Stephen Covey said, it is useless to learn it but don,t do it and it is meaningless to know it but don,t practise it. We can see how important the output is.

Setting up a deadline once finished reading a book. My habit is keeping one more week to write my reading report. Suppose one book was finished in this week, i usually force myself to output reading report latest at end of next week.this year till now,i read 56 books with 56 reading reports.

Maybe someone will say it,s hard to write an article, i also have similar ideas before, but now i can handle it well, just change your mind and take it easy. When you have no much more opinions, just copying some meaningful sentences and save it, this is also a kind of reading report. If you have your own ideas, it is better to translate it in your own words, and doing mind maps are all the good ways to mark the reading reports.Believe me, in future it will recall lots of your memories. Anyway, these can help us to build up the knowledge tree.

All right, all above is what i shared wih you today,hopefully it is benefical for you. A popular saying is that good looking appearance are all the same, but interesting soulmates are one in a million. Hope you all can be coming more and more interesting through reading.

Thank you very much!






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