《飘》TS打卡_Part II_Chapter 12
quinine: 奎宁
chemical formula> C20H24N2O2, 中文称金鸡纳霜,是一种用于治疗与预防痢疾且可治疗焦虫症的药物。
calomel:Hg2Cl2 (Mercury Chloride) 氯化亚汞
chloroform : 氯仿, 三氯甲烷,又称哥罗芳,分子式CHCl3
氯仿在常温下为无色、有气味的液体,是生产聚四氟乙烯的原料,也曾经用做制冷剂,现已被淘汰。在当时作为麻醉剂使用,也可作为镇静剂。作为麻醉剂的用途,是在1847年11月4日由苏格兰妇产科医生詹姆斯·杨·辛普森和他的朋友们在他们自己身上做试验以寻找一种可代替乙醚的物质作为全身麻醉剂(General anesthetics)的过程中所发现的。 19世纪50年代在维多利亚女王最后两个孩子的出生过程中医生约翰·斯诺用到了氯仿作为麻醉剂
bonbons: refers to any of several types of sweets, especially small candies coated in chocolate. The word originated from the French language, where the first reports of bonbons come from the 17th century, when they were made at the French royal court.
Nassua: Nassua, Bahamas
During the American Civil War, privateering experienced something of a resurgence. England and Nassau defied the North’s blockade and continued to trade with Southern states. In the famous Civil War novel Gone with the Wind, Rhett Butler is a well-known man about town in Nassau. Later, during Prohibition, Nassau defied the U.S. again and did a lively business smuggling liquor into Southern ports, until President Roosevelt repealed the “unfortunate amendment”.
satin 色丁: is a weave that typically has a glossy surface and dull back.
civil war 时期的Satin wedding dress
Festoon 花彩: is a wreath or garland hanging from two points.
Parisienne: a Parisian girl or woman. means a grammatically female person or thing from Paris, France.
Coonskin cap: is a hat fashioned from the skin and fur of a raccoon. The original coonskin cap consisted of the entire skin of the raccoon including its head and tail. Coonskin caps were originally a traditional native American article of clothing. When Europeans began colonising the Tennessee and Kentucky areas, the colonists started wearing them as hunting caps.
Godey's Lady's Book:
was an American women\s magazine that was published in Philadelphia from 1830 to 1878. It was the most widely circulated magazine in the period before the Civil war, many of which were marked specifically to women.
Each issue contained poetry, articles, and engravings created by prominent writers and other artists of the time. The magazine was expensive for the time; subscribers paid $3 per year (for comparison, The Saturday Evening Postwas only $2 per year). Even so, it was the most popular journal in its day. Moreover, he created a regular section with the heading "Employment for Women" beginning in 1852 to discuss women in the workforce. The magazine is best known for the hand-tinted fashion plate that appeared at the start of each issue, which provide a record of the progression of women's dress. Publisher Louis Godey boasted that in 1859.
bonnet: is any of a wide variety of headgear for both sexes - more often female - from the Middle Ages to the present.
a Swedish fashion plate from 1838
evening frocks: evening dresses
Fig ——— Paris fashion, walking dress, white satin ball dress, and evening dress, illustration from the magazine The Illustrated London News, volume XLII, March 7, 1863.
在最后 Scarlett 很困惑。She thought: "They both see the truth of this war Ashly和Butler对于战争有着同样的看法, but Ashley is willing to die about it and Rhett isn't. I think that shows Rhett's good sense." 对于Scarlett来说,Butler不愿意去牺牲是对的。She paused a moment, horror struck that she could have such a thought about Ashley. "They both see the same unpleasant truth, but Rhett likes to look it in the face and enrage people by talking about it--and Ashley can hardly bear to face it.” 从这几句话就可以看出,她赞同butler的做法,而Ashley却不愿意去面对这个事实,他也只是和Melanie的信里提到而已。