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Book review 1- Charlotte's Web

葡萄阿奈 葡萄阿奈 2018-07-31 19:46 阅读(2264)

It is my first English book review. In fact, I had wired connection with this book. A couple of years ago, I received the Chinese version as my birthday gift from one of my best friend. Most of us had read this book in different ways, but when I read the original version, I had totally different feelings about the truly and precious friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur. The English words are more powerful in describing the details. Maybe, that is something we called ‘original taste’.

1.  Friendship naturally happened between Charlotte and Wilbur.

As you see, Wilbur is a kindness and insecurity piggy. He was so eagerly to make new friends on the farm. But no response, except the ‘thin voice’ from the ceiling.

Then next, Wilbur caught the first sight of Charlotte. ‘ Hanging from the top of the web, head down, was a large grey spider. She was about the size of a gumdrop, waving one of her leg at Wilbur in friendly greeting.’ But for Wilbur, he felt a little bit sad because his new friend was bloodthirsty when he saw Charlotte wrapped up a fly and ate it. You see, Wilbur actually such a lovely and funny piggy. As they get to know each other, beautiful and warm friendship was built between them. They spent the best enjoyable time in the barn.

Although ordinary words they are, I especially like the description about the scenery of barn. Just like that you are already been in that picture, enjoy the sweet air while lilacs bloom.


2. My promise

The peaceful life was finally broken one day, with the bad news coming. Wilbur is truly a pig, he may be killed if he grew and grew when Christmastime is approaching.

Of course, Wilbur doesn’t want to be killed. But who can rescue him from the farmer? When Charlotte said she would save Wilbur, nobody believes it, including Wilbur himself.

From their conversation, we can see Charlotte keeps her inherent calm as always.

‘That remain to be seen ( the way to save Wilbur). But I am going to save you, and I want you to quiet down immediately. You’re carrying on in a childish way. Stop your crying! I can’t stand hysterics.’

I sincerely admire Charlotte’s fearlessness--that specially belonged to her, a grey and little spider.

Charlotte writes some magic words on her web with her fabulous wisdom. They are ‘some pig’, ‘radiant’, ‘terrific’, ‘humble’.  The words are changed constantly because Charlotte wants to keep a sense of mystery for Wilbur. So that the farmer would treat him as a precious cash cow, rather than a normal pig. Charlotte kept her promise that she would not let Wilbur die. After getting a medal from the fair, Charlotte was very ill, she couldn’t accompany Wilbur home, so she said something to Wilbur. My eyes are full of tears when I read their conversation. It’s must be the best explanation for friendship.

After Charlotte died, Wilbur also kept his promise. He asked Templeton to help him get Charlotte’s eggs by all means. Springtime is coming, snows melt and ran away. Wilbur watched how Charlotte’s children go out of the sac. Most of them went away to explore the new world. There, still three spiders want to live with Wilbur. They are Charlotte’s daughter, Joy, Aranea and Nellie. Wilbur had another three new friends, they would stay with him, like their mother. You know, Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. No spiders could take her place in his heart. Just like what Wilbur thought, it is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.

At last, I want to quote the sentences from a book that I read recently.

To the best Charlotte and Wilbur in my heart.








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