《飘》TS打卡_Part II_Chapter 17
granary: 粮仓
A granary is a storehouse or room in a barn for threshed grain or animal feed. Ancient or primitive granaries are most often made out of pottery. Granaries are often built above the ground to keep the stored food away from mice and other animals.
cannon foundry : 大炮铸造车间
Figure below came from Civil War Harper’s Weekly, September 14, 1861. It was “The West Point Foundry Making Civil War Cannons”.
rolling mill: 轧钢厂
Figure below was “The Antebellum Atlanta Rolling Mill”. It was constructed in 1858 by Lewis Schofield and James Black and soon after, Schofield and William Markham took it over and transformed it into the South’s second more productive rolling mill.
It was bought out by Charleston, SC interests in 1863 and became known as the Confederate Rolling Mill when it produced the former products as well as cannon.
Lucullan banquet:
extremely luxurious (especially of food)
Lucullan: (Lucius Licinius Lucullus, 前118—前57或56年),罗马将军、执政官。有关他的享乐主义和奢侈无度的传说使“卢库卢斯”成为浪费的同义词。
So famous did Lucullus become for his banqueting that the word lucullan now means lavish, luxurious and gourmet.
Among Lucullus’ other contributions to fine dining, he was also responsible for bringing (a species of) the sweet cherry and the apricot to Rome, developing major facilities for aquaculture, and being the only person in Rome with the ability to provide thrushes for gastronomic purposes in every season, having his own fattening coops.
Battle of Thermopylae: 温泉关战役
Halifax: The capital of Nova Scotia, Canada
本书中Scarlett提到过几次的Halifax, 其实也许她想说的是go to hell,作为一个lady,好想不能说hell,所以就用要选的 Halifax来代替,估计是滚的越远越好。 At the time of the American Civil War, Canada did not yet exist as a fed
erated nation. Instead, British North America consisted of the Province of Canada and the separate colonies, such as Nova Scotia.
Canadians were largely opposed to slavery, the preservation of which was the main goal of the Confederate States of America, and Canada had recently become the terminus of the Underground Railroad.
rifle pit: 散兵壕,步兵射击掩体
我对一些不了解的知识点的 学习
主要是想认真学一下这本书 不过最后能记住多少就不知道了
那倒是 哈哈 我之前看原版盖茨比就是这么学的 觉得很棒