飘 chapter-9
They loved their men, they believed in them, they trusted them to the last breaths of their bodies. How could disaster ever come to women such as they when their stalwart gray line stood between them and the Yankees? Had there ever been such men as these since the first dawn of the world, so heroic, so reckless, so gallant, so tender? How could anything but overwhelming victory come to a Cause as just and right as theirs? A Cause they loved as much as they loved their men, a Cause they served with their hands and their hearts, a Cause they talked about, thought about, dreamed about--a Cause to which they would sacrifice these men if need be, and bear their loss as proudly as the men bore their battle flags.
"Personally, I think suttee much more merciful than our charming Southern custom of burying widows alive"
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