《Narnia 4》06打卡
1. we get to hear Jill pondering about giants. Where did she think all the stories about giants came from?
She think all the atories about giants might have come from those funny rocks.
2. What first convinces her that the supposed rocks were in fact real giants?
Thing thing moved .she had seen it turn its head .
3. What game are the giants playing (basically just throwing something at a target?
They throw some heavy object that is a big boulder through the air to each other.
4. That night the “wiggle” and the children “bivouacked.” What does that mean?
There no house can sleep ,so they should sleep on the bare moor
5. Who do they meet the next day?
One was a knight in complete armour with his visor down ,the other was a lady on a white horse .
6. Is there anything suspicious about them? What?
There are a huge ,single arch birge that spanned the gorge from cliff-top to cliff-top.when they reached the top they saw two people wait in the other side of the birge .
7. What does the lady promise they will find at Harfang?
They can have steaming baths ,soft beds ,and bright hearths ,and the roast and the baked and the sweet and the strong will be on the table four times in a day .
不好意思 出差刚到家 给你发下一章节了