Narnia 5 - Chap.10
When the children looked back at the desert after reaching Archenland, what was the dust storm they could see?
They saw Rabadash’s army moving the way. The dust storm was made by this army.
What did the lion do to Aravis when she was riding on Hwin?
The lion rose on its hind legs and jabbed at Aravis with its right paw. The lion’s terrible extended claws were tearing Aravis shoulders. Her back was wounded.
What’s a hermit?
He was the Hermit of the Southern March.
When Aravis, Hwin and Bree were staying with the Herm, why was Bree ashamed?
when the lion was coming to hurt Aravis, the boy-Shasta ran back to try to help Aravis and Hwin while Bree only galloped to save himself. The little boy’s behavior and kindness was made Bree ashamed. Especially, the child never held a sword, had any good nurture or example in his life.
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