Narnia 5 - Chapter 10
Questions & Answers:
1. When the children looked back at the desert after reaching Archenland, what was the dust storm they could see?
They're helmets - and armour. It's the army. It's Rabadash
2. What did the lion do to Aravis when she was riding on Hwin?
The Lion has only drawn his claws across Aravis’ back. Ten scratches: sore, but not deep or dangerous."
3. What’s a hermit?
Someone live in a beautiful & secret place, and learned person with wisdom, thought things deeply.
4. When Aravis, Hwin and Bree were staying with the Herm, why was Bree ashamed?
He was ashamed because he left a mare and a girl and a boy to be eaten by lions while I galloped all I could to save his life, but Shasta, a little human boy - a child, a mere foal, who had never held a sword nor had any good nurture or example in his life, ran back to save his companies.
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