Narnia 5 - Chapter 14
Questions & Answers:
1. Why did Bree want to wait before going to Narnia?
Bree want to wait his tail's grown again.
2. Why did Aslan give Aravis the scratches on her back?
Aravis cast the same scratches on the back of her stepmother’s slave, Aslan wanted her to know what it feels like and not to hurt anyone by intention.
3. Who is Prince Cor?
4. How did Prince Cor come to being Shasta?
When Princee Cor was a baby, he was kidnapped by his father’s previous Lord Chancellor the Lord Bar , who was been dismissed cause he did something wrong. During the battle between his father with Lord Bar on the sea, Shasta was sent away with a knight on a boat, during the wreck, Aslan pushed the boat to shore and Arsheesh picked him up as a son named Shasta.