Narnia 6 - Chap 6
In Chap. 6, how does Queen Jadis seem to think about Uncle Andrew? How does she treat him?
She didn’t believe that he is a magician and she seized a great handful of Uncle Andrew's grey hair and pulled his head back so that his face looked up into hers. Then she studied his face to confirm him as a magician. And she treated him as a dog of her and asked him to be her servant. She also ordered him to procure some things for her to conquer the world.
She threatened him that she will lay spells on him if he dreamed of treachery
What does that show us about Jadis?
Jadis is still arrogant and smug, terrifying
What new word does Lewis use to describe her?
I think the word is “impatient”
What more do we learn about Uncle Andrew in this chapter?
He was selfish and left all dangers to other people.
He drunk and he was so foolish to imagine the Witch to fall in love with him.
Uncle Andrew was lazy and never doing any work, running up large bills for brandy and cigars. So he hadn’t any money.
Why had be become a magician?
From the charpter. 6, it show that ” he was as vain as a peacock; that was why he had become a Magician. “
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