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Narnia 6 - Chap 10

psychewang psychewang 2019-08-15 17:39 阅读(560)

What is the "First Joke" in Narnia? Who makes it?  

The Lion says the joke is Jackdaw itself. It just makes fun to ask Aslan “have I made the first joke” . So the jackdaw makes the first joke and it makes everyone laughed more than ever.

What name does the author give to the Lion in Chap. 10? .

Aslan is Lion’s name

What more do we learn about Uncle Andrew in this chapter?  

He is a timid and stupid people

According to Lewis, what did Andrew succeed in doing?  

When Aslan sings, Uncle Andrew makes himself believe that he could hear nothing but roaring.  So he succeed to hear nothing but roaring in animals speaking

What do we learn about Andrew’s "point of view"?  

Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

What does this demonstrate about the importance of "where a person stands" or "what sort of person you are"?

He doesn’t like the Lion’s song and  he does not want to think an feel what make him think and feel things. He also thinks the lion is roaring not sing.   So he just makes himself stupid to think all animals roaring, not speaking.   And he is a stupid and timid person, so he hides himself not as boldly as children towards the assembly of animals.  When animals find him, they think that he’s the Neevil and they will round him up. Uncle Andrew’s bad behavior and foolish idea maybe let him in danger.  

What does "talking lettuce" have to do with what the Jackdaw calls the "Second Joke" in Narnia?  

As animals’ point of view, the children are a kind of large lettuce and lettuce are not talking. But the children have talk them that they are not lettuce and they can’t be eat. This makes Jakdaw calls them the second Joke. I think Jackdaw making a humor.






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