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chapter ten

堇色琉璃   堇色琉璃 2019-09-17 22:18 阅读(1547)

1.what does the Lion give to all of the creatures in chap.10? What warning does He make?

The Lion said he give all the creatives themselves, give them forever this land of Narnia, give them the woods, the fruits, the rivers, the stars and also include himself.

2.What is the "First Joke" in Narnia? Who makes it?

The Jackdaw have only been the first joke.

One perky jackdaw.

3.What name does the author give to the Lion in Chap. 10?


4.What more do we learn about Uncle Andrew in this chapter?

He is a timid and stupid man

5.According to Lewis, what did Andrew succeed in doing?

The trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. Uncle Andrew did.

6.What do we learn about Andrew’s "point of view"?

It had not made at all the same impression on him as on the Cabby and the children

He think all of the animals are dangerous so he think the animals in there also dangerous and he also think the lion can’t sing and all the animals can speak so he Force himself to believe his point of view

7.What does this demonstrate about the importance of "where a person stands" or "what sort of person you are"?

Uncle Andrew think all the animals can’t speak, he didn’t believe that animals can speak so he try to make the view that all the sounds from animals is roar.

And he is further, all he saw, or thought he saw, was a lot of dangerous wild animals walking vaguely about.

8.What does "talking lettuce" have to do with what the Jackdaw calls the "Second Joke" in Narnia?

All the animals think the children and Cabby are a kind of large lettuce. But when polly answer the question from animals, the animals felt amazing. So the Jackdaw suggested the children and Cabby maybe they are the second joke.

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