Narnia 7 - Chap 3
Tirian begins to believe the lie that Aslan is doing these terrible things. How does it make him feel? What does he say it would be like, if Aslan wasn’t really like the Aslan they had believed and longed for?
Tirian felt upset and regret. He didn’t care if Aslan doomed him to death. He also said it would be better to be dead than to have this horrible fear that Aslan had come and was not like the Aslan they had believed in and longed for.
If Aslan wasn’t the Aslan, he said it was as if the sun rose one day and were a black sun.
What does Jewel say it would be like?
It would be like as if you drank water and it were dry water.
Which of the creatures challenges what the Ape says? Which of the creatures seems pleased with the idea that “Aslan means no more than Tash
A great tusked and shaggy Boar challenges what the Aps says.
A ginger cat seems pleased with the idea “ Aslan is Tash, Tash is Aslan”