Narnia 7 - Chap 11
Shift finally gets what he deserved. What is it?
Shift was been throwing into the accursed stable by Tirian. I think it will be punished by the creature that was in the stable.
What does Farsight the Eagle say about it, when he sees the look on Rishda Tarkaan’s face? Which group of beasts joins Tirian’s side unanimously?
It said” there goes one, who has called on gods he does not believe in. How will it be with him if they have really come”. The Tarkaan always called God- Tashlan to threat Narnians, but he didn’t believe it exists. Now if God appeared, the Tarkaan surprised and nearly frightened.
Every single Talking Dog in the whole meeting (there were fifteen of them) came bounding and barking joyously to the King's side. they were the first group to join King’s team.
In this chapter, the Dwarfs commit an unbelievably evil act. What is it? When he sees Jill weeping, what does Tirian say to her?
The Dwarfs were shooting the horses, which were going to help Tirian’s side. Horse after horse rolled over and no one of those ever reached the King.
When they saw the evil act of Dwarfs, Jill was weeping and Tirian said to her to turn her face aside and not wet bow-string.