Jan. 20, 2020
1-gaze 关注;凝视
2-muscular 强有力的,强壮的
3-pose 引起,造成
Seventy years since its cold-war founding as a transatlantic alliance focused on Moscow, NATO is expanding its gaze toward the increasingly muscular challenge posed by China.
4-acrimony 争执(较为正式)
5-on full display 得到充分展示
But it's unclear whether the NATO is up to the task-especially at a time of intense internal divisions and acrimony that were on full display at the summit.
6-mount 逐步增加,增长
7-leverage 影响力
8-lead the charge 带领,打头阵
9-receptive 有接受能力的,能容纳的
The United States is leading the charge for a greater focus on China and is confident in a receptive audience in much of Europe, where concerns are mounting about Beijing's growing economic leverage, in particular.
10-might 力量,威力
There was an increasing understanding in Europe about the challenges posed by China's rapidly expanding military might.
11-adversary 对手,敌手
Another diplomat cautioned that China would not become NATO's adversary.
12-Pentagon 五角大楼(指美国国会)
A former senior Pentagon official said that European officials increasingly shared the U.S view of China as a strategic challenge.