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Jan. 25, 2020New Year, New You

萍踪侠影 萍踪侠影 2020-01-25 16:34 阅读(610)

1-meme 文化基因,梗,段子

2-shun 有意回避

We've all seen the memes, shunning that the "New Year, New You" can actually last.

3-durable 持久的,耐用的

4-dedication 奉献

Perhaps for doubts about how durable your dedication is, you only need to look in the mirror and not to Internet memmes.

5-long to=yearn for/hunger for/crave for 渴望

But for those who long to stick to their resolutions, the task is not impossible.

6-set 固定不变的

Set weekly goals to lose a set number of pounds or go to the gym a certain number of times.

7-ground zero 着地点,核爆点,第一天/次

New Year's day doesn't need to be ground zero.

8-hold off 推迟

9-contemplate 考虑

10-pitfall 陷阱

It's better to hold off to allow time to adequately prepare. That includes contemplating any pitfalls, like a lack of motivation and temptations.

11-lay out 准备好,摆放,安排

If your resolution is going to the gym, decide on a time-the same time every day-and lay out gym clothes and anything needed in advance.

12-vow not to 一定不要

13-take in 领会;一眼看清

14-treadmill 跑步机

Vow not to take in a new episode of the show, unless you are on the treadmill, for example.

15-zap 削弱,攻击,打败

Feelings of fatigue and anxiety can zap motivation.

16-combat 防止

To combat that, she advises listing your reasons for adhering to your resolution while you are still inspired, to be read on days when motivation is lacking.

17-slip up (V)出差错,疏忽

18-slipup (n)差错,疏忽

Move on after slipups.

Know that every time you slip up is an opportunity to grow stronger and get better, and you just have to learn from it.

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