Jan. 27, 2020
1-morbidity 发病率
2-mortality 死亡率
Our analysis suggests that, in addition to beneficial effects on morbidity, mortality and health care costs, managing obesity can favorbaly affect the environment as well.
3-chronicle 记录,编进
4-dedicate to 致力于
The concern with weight and carbon emission was chronicled in a paper by the Obesity Society, a scientific society dedicated to the obesity and its treatment.
5-arrive at 达成,得出,作出
6-metabolism 新陈代谢
To arrive at the theory, the scientists started with basic biology: obese people have greater carbon dioxide production from oxidative metabolism than individuals with a so-called normal weight.
7-exhalation 呼出
8-assert 声称
But there were more factors to consider beyond exhalation. Researchers assert that maintenance of greater body weight requires more food and drinks to be produced and transported to the consumers.
9-stigmatization 污名化
The author emphasized that it is critically important that this information does not lead to more weight stigmatization.
10-pay a steep price 付出高昂代价
But this study makes it clear that we pay a steep price for making it difficult to access care for obesity.