Feb. 8, 2020
1-coronavirus 冠状病毒
2-peril 危险,危害
Coronavirus highlights perils of China's illegal wildlife trade.
3-thrust 推到,推挤
4-outbreak 爆发
5-novel 新奇的,新型的
China's illegal wildlife trade has been thrust into the spotlight following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
6-infection 感染
7-masked palm civet 果子狸
8-among others 等等
The first infections were traced to a market in Wuhan that reportedly sold meat from a wide variety of unusual animals including camels, kangaroos, and masked palm civets, among others.
9-virology 病毒学
10-Chinese academy of sciences 中科院
11-reservior host 宿主
According to a study published on Wednesday by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of virology under the Chinese academy of sciences, the natural reservoir host of the novel coronavirus is probably a bat.
12-domesticate 驯化,驯养
13-quarantine 检疫,隔离
We've had domesticated livestocks for thousands of years, yet there are still unknown viruses coming from these animals. Despite quarantine inspections for wildlife, there are still many things we are unable to prevent.
14-Ebola 埃博拉病毒
15-Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 中东呼吸综合症
Wild animals are often connected to disease outbreaks, including Ebola and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which are linked to bats and camels, respectively.
16-contract 感染
The civets, which transmitted SARS to humans, are believed to have contracted the virus from bats.
17-pneumonic plague 肺鼠疫
Just months ago, a man in inner Mongolia became infected with pneumonia plague in November afrer skinning and eating a wild hare.