Feb. 14, 2020
1-overwhelmingly 压倒性地
2-saga 一长串的事情
The European parliament overwhelmingly approved Britain's departure terms from EU-a final major decision in the four-year brexit saga.
3-in the wake of 随……之后而来的
4-referendum 全民公投
5-contigency (可能发生的)意外事件,不测事件
6-chaotic 混乱的
While backing Britain's departure in the wake of the country's vote to leave in a referendum in June 2016, EU countries are already preparing the possibility that talks on a new trade deal with Britain could collapse in the end of the year, and no-deal contingency planning for a chaotic end to the transition period is necessary.
7-thrash out 彻底讨论,商讨(直到找到解决办法)
Britain is seeking to thrash out a comprehensive trade deal within 11 months.
8-timetable 时间表
9-drag on 拖延
That timetable is viewed as ambitious by many observers of trade discussions, which can often drag on for years.
10-in place 准备就绪的
The EU has said that timespan is far too short and fears remain that a chaotic exit might still happen at the end of the year if the transition ends without any agreement in place.
11-cliff-edge 千钧一发的,紧张的
12-scenario 可能发生的情况
13-to the detriment of sb/sth (结果)对……不利
De monchatlin said that unless Britain asks to extend the transition period before the summer, both sides will face the cliff-edge scenario by the end of the year where borders could be closed, tariffs imposed and rules changed overnight, to the detriment of the smooth trade.