Feb. 16, 2020
1-chronic fatigue syndrome 慢性疲劳综合征
I've lived with chronic fatigue syndrome for a decade now, which means I am practically a professional tired person.
2-crappy 劣质的,蹩脚的
You don't have to have a chronic illness to feel crappy in this modern life.
3-dread 恐惧
Work, kids, existential dread-they all take energy.
4-pay to do sth 划算,收益
Which is why it pays to have some strategies for living a functional life when you all want to do is nap.
5-in-laws 亲家,尤指公婆,岳父母
6-throw a party 开办派对
I have a friend who threw a party for her in-laws two weeks after having a baby.
7-worth of sth 价值~的东西
When I am in full power-saving mode, I sign up for the cheapest meal delivery service I can find and get a week's worth of food in a box every Tuesday afternoon.
8-stifle 控制
Over time, your fatigue may range from stifled yawn to crying with tiredness in front of the supermarket self-serve checkout.
9-patch 一段艰难岁月,一段痛苦日子
10-tacker 使……疲惫
So once you are through a bad patch, think about what got you there: which activities stresses or people tackered you out so much?
11-knackered 筋疲力尽的
This is your list of things that make me knackered. Your job is to make it as short as possible.