Feb. 21, 2020
1-inadvertently 不经意地
The more of the planet humans take over, the more we inadvertently make it a viral paradise.
2-reproduction 繁殖
Viruses have a straightforward mission: reproduction.
3-mutate 变异
As viruses copy themselves using the machinery of their host's cells, they constantly mutate, enabling the virus to spread faster or infect a new type of host.
4-vector (传播疾病的)媒介昆虫
Additionally, the expanding reach of warmer weather resulting from climate change produces more ideal conditions for disease vectors, like mosquitoes.
5-microscopic 微小的
6-villain 恶棍,祸首
Walking through the hall of the exhibit, it's easy to feel defeated by the microscopic villains.
7-shoot oneself in the feet 搬起石头砸自己的脚
But actually the viruses most dangerous to humans end up shooting themselves in their microbial feet: they kill their host so quickly that there isn't enough time for them to find another.
8-benign 温和的,良性的
The smartest viruses tend to be the most benign.
9-swaths of 大量的
10-complication 并发症
They infect swaths of the population and yet rarely cause medical complications, making them undederving of any kind of memorialized warning in a museum.
11-pathogen 病原体
As we flourish, we have to remember: our success is also a win for the pathogens capable of killing us.