Mar. 7, 2020
1-overflow 满是,有许多
2-leftover 剩饭菜
Many of us have an overflowing kitchen cupboard of plastic containers to store our leftovers.
3-pitfall 可能的问题(困难),隐患
4-ditch 扔掉
5-stash of 一批,大量
6-deli 熟食
But as awareness grows over the health and environment pitfalls of plastic, some consumers may be wondering: is it time to ditch that stash of old deli containers?
7-measurable 显著的,有明显影响的
Phthalates, for example, which are used to make plastic more flexible and are found in food packaging and plastic wrap, have been found by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in measurable levels across the US population.
8-reproductive dysfunction 生殖功能障碍
9-fertility 生育能力
10-asthma 哮喘
They have been linked to reproductive dysfunction in animal studies and some researchers have suggested links to decreased fertility, neurodevelopmental issues and asthma in humans.