Mar. 17, 2020
1-house-bound 被困在家的
2-parka-clad 穿上冲锋衣的
3-stock 在……中储存
Mr.Wang, house-bound by the China's virus outbreak, counts on the parka-clad delivery drivers of E-commerce gaint to keep his kitchen stocked.
4-sweeping 影响广泛的
Demand for online food vendors has surged since China's government told the public to stay at home as part of the most sweeping anti-desease controls ever imposed.
5-bundle up 包裹起来
6-complex 建筑
The retiree bundled up the winter cold, put on a face mask and emerged from the apartment complex to collect walnut milk and other goods from the shelves on the sidewalk-an anti-virus measure to limit contact with drivers who normally go door to door.
7-scrambling 争先恐后 Inc. and rivals including Pinduoduo and Alibaba Group's Hema are scrambling to fill a boom in orders while trying to protect their employees.
8-disinfectant 消毒剂
Customers used to buy a lot of electronics, according to Mr.Sun, a manager in JD, now they are buying rice, noodles, grain, oil, disinfectant, masks and so on.
9-issue 发放
All are issued masks and gloves.