Mar. 28, 2020
1-vaccine 疫苗
Vaccines are many months away, at the earliest.
2-ill-prepared 准备不足的
3-pandemic 全球大流行
In a world ill-prepared for a potentially life-threatening, easily transmitted disease like covid-19, the most effectively way to mitigate the pandemic's impact is to focus on supporting health care system that already are overburdened.
4-in throes of 在……痛苦中
The United States already is in the throes of a moderately serious flu season.
5-inventory 库存
Their inventories of protective equipment-N-95 respirator masks, gloves, eye protection-are running low.
6-syringe 注射器
The manufacturing and distribution for drugs and other vital products like needles and syringes must remain open, and that, given the global nature of the industry, requires international cooperation.
7-thorough 全面的
8-disclosure 公开,披露
Ensuring all of this means facing the hard facts of this unfolding pandemic-and that requires thorough, transparent disclosures to the public.
9-resilience 韧性
10-full-blown 发展充分的,成熟的
Past experiences suggest that people react more rationally and show greater resilience to a full-blown crisis if they are prepared intellectually and emotionally for it.
11-rallying cry 战斗口号
Pandemic isn't just a technical health term, it also is-or should be-a rallying cry.