Apr. 14, 2020
1-swing by 途径,绕道,顺便拜访
2-pick up 购买
Last Saturday afternoon, Kristina Moy decided to swing by her local supermarket in the US city of Seattle to pick up some weekly groceries.
3-errand 差事
4-ordeal 折磨
5-stock up 囤货
What started as a quick errand turned into a three-hour ordeal, navigating checkout lanes packed with hundreds of shoppers stocking up amid the outbreak of coronavirus.
6-prompt 促使
7-go around 满足需求
8-instant noodle 方便面
Mass demand for rice and instant noodles in Singapore prompted Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to assure the public there was enough to go around.
9-shoot up 激增
In Auckland, New Zealand, supermarket spending shot up 40% last Saturday compared to the same day a year ago.
10-warrant 使……显得必要
11-mundane 平凡的
Experts say the answer lies in a fear of unknown, and believe that a dramatic event warrants a dramatic response-even though, in this case, the best response is something as mundane as washing your hands.
12-aversion 厌恶
Savage also points to another principle at play: loss aversion.
13-falsity 虚假信息
It's also worth noting that quality sources of information are always vital for avoiding rumors and falsities.