Apr. 20, 2020
1-couch (用某种文体或方式)表达,措辞
2-deterioration 退化,衰退
3-upside 好处
And while we're used to coughing ageing in terms of deterioration and decline, the gradual modification of our personalities has some surprising upsides.
4-constientious 认真的,勤恳的
5-agreeable 随和的
6-neurotic 神经质的
We become more constientious and agreeable, less neurotic.
7-imperceptible 难以察觉的
Psychologists call the process of change that accurs as we age personality maturation which is a gradual, imperceptible change that begins in our teenage years.
8-intriguingly 有趣地
Intriguingly, it seems to be universal : the trend is seen across all human cultures, from Guatemala to India.
9-intrinsically 本质地,内在地
In fact, our personalities are intrinsically linked to our wellbeing as we age.
10-intervene 打断,出面,介入
How we can expect our personalities to evolve throughout our life span -might help to predict who is most at risk of certain health problems, and intervene.