Apr. 21, 2020
1-run low 几乎用完,快用完了
There are two main reasons supermarkets are running out on toilet paper.
2-just in time inventory 适时存货制
Supermarkets tend to operate what's called " just in time inventory ".
3-stockpile 储备物,囤积物
In other words, they don't like to have big stockpiles of goods like toilet paper hanging around.
4-packet 小盒,小包,小袋
If just half a dozen or a dozen people buy extra packets, suddenly the demand lifts quickly and it's hard to keep that stock on the shelf.
5-in the pipeline 在筹备中,在进行中
We have enough supply in the pipeline to satisfy the Australian market, but they are clearly struggling with the issue of replacement.
6-go through 大量使用
If you normally go through four toilet rolls a week, maybe buy eight, because that covers two weeks.