Apr. 25, 2020
1-convert…to 把……转变为
2-sanitizer 洗手液,消毒剂
3-facility (供特定用途的)场所
4-fragrance 香水
LVMH announced today that it is converting three of its perfume manufacturing facilities where it normally makes fragrances for its Christian Dior, Givenchy and Guerlain brands to make hand sanitizer instead.
5-be given at no charge 免费提供
The product will be given at no charge to French authorities and the largest hospital system in Europe.
6-accomplish several things with this move 一举多得
LVMH is accomplishing several things with this move.
7-justify 证明……正确(正当,有理)
It's also justifying having its factories remain open and keeping its employees coming to work.
8-purposeful 有目的的,目标明确的,坚决的
All of those things make the company more purposeful and less commercial.
9-fill one's needs 满足某人的需求
A true luxury business has to fill consumers' needs at the highest level and by converting to hand sanitizer manufacturing, LVMH is doing just that.
10-commendable 值得称赞(或表扬的)
In this unique moment, it's appropriate and commendable to make what would normally be the most un-luxurious product and LVMH gets that.
11-in short supply 短缺
12-abundance 充足
What's in short supply that I have or could get in abundance.
13-fall on 责任落在
That's clearly the approach that LVMH took and it now falls on all of us to ask the question of ourselves.