1-delineation (详细地)描述,描画,解释
Work-life balance is often about the struggle to create clear delineation between our careers and our personal lives.
2-roll in 汹涌而进
3-pop 突然出现,冷不丁冒出
It's becoming increasingly difficult, however,to draw a hard line-especially with emails rolling in and Slack message constantly popping up.
4-pencil 临时记下
No matter what we promise ourselves, most of us are guilty of penciling in at least a little work while we're away.
5-drastic 极端的,猛烈的
And while we are uninstalling messaging from your phone while on holiday is one possible solution, it's a pretty drastic measure for a little peace and quiet.
6-churn 厌恶,恐惧,担心
Your office environment can link you to the churn of everyday tasks.
7-anchor 使固定
There is a lot of anchoring in the office with structure and routine.
8-embark 从事,着手
9-regimen 生活规则,养生之道
Whether you embark on a huge workcation, or make your own mini version, Flatt says that its success depends on turning off the multitasking and separating yourself from regimen.
10-progamme 规划,计划,安排
Unlike highly scheduled office offsites, which often programme hourly activities, key to unlocking may be in letting yourself dream.