1-procrastination 拖延
2-sth is about sth 做某事的重点在于
Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time?
3-sth be not (really) one's thing 某事不是某人特别擅长或者喜欢的事
Cat videos aren't my thing.
4-espouse 拥护,支持
According to traditional thinking-still be espoused by university counselling centres around the world-I, along with my fellow procrastinators, have a time management problem.
5-intuitive 直觉的
The emotional regulation theory of procrastination make intuitive sense.
6-be drawn to sth 被……所吸引
7-knuckle down 开始母鸡做某项任务
I'm just drawn to them as a way of avoiding the discomfort of knucking down to work.
8-a host of 许多,一大群
Research by Fuschia Sirois has shown chronic procrastination is associated with a host of adverse mental and physical health consequences.
9-take one's mind off sth 使某人不想某事
According to him, doing this takes your mind off your feelings and onto easily achievable action.